More than 8,000 homes saved during 2022 wildfire season
Texas A&M Forest Service, fire crews and residents stand together to protect homes across the state from wildfire
Texas A&M AgriLife's digital magazine and newsroom
Explore the latest research, teaching and outreach related to natural resources, agriculture, ecosystems, and the interconnectivity of our environment.
Texas A&M Forest Service, fire crews and residents stand together to protect homes across the state from wildfire
Texas, Arkansas, Missouri universities to launch climate-smart agricultural practices
Is the kissing plant a kiss of death for trees?
Report aims to educate Texans and guide land conservation efforts
Agricultural law specialist offers considerations for landowners interested in selling carbon credits
12-week AgriLife Extension land management course begins Jan. 29
Second, third grade students experience field trip through W.G. Jones State Forest
Expanded course for Natural Resources Conservation Service employees includes policy module
Accidental transport through wood is a key contributor
Texas A&M Forest Service: 42% of wildfires occur during major hunting season months
Foresters, staff members make school presentations, plant trees
National Science Foundation award includes Texas A&M AgriLife entities, University of North Texas
Last chance for Texans to catch a glimpse before butterflies continue to Mexico
Seminole, Lamesa and Lubbock all will host well water testing
Texas increases to the State Wildland Fire Preparedness Level 2
Participants from across the southeastern U.S.
Dry conditions increasing with lack of rainfall
Method could reduce nondegradable plastics and greenhouse gas emissions
Among U.S. fire personnel sent to help with Oregon's Cedar Creek, other out-of-state fires
Texas A&M AgriLife Research receives largest competitive grant in its history