4-H Inspire Kids to Do program promotes community service
Texas county creates life skills videos, supports canned food drive
A group of Texas 4-H youth are using technology and creativity to make a series of instructional videos throughout the month of June as a part of the national 4-H Inspire Kids to Do program, which aims to instill in members the importance of community service.

From changing a tire to sewing on a button and scrambling eggs, they are all part of a 44-video series of integral life skills 4-H’ers in Val Verde County are creating. 4-H is the youth organization administered by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.
The youths are on a two-fold mission this summer: teach other kids important life skills and support a canned food drive for community members in need.
“These are necessary life skills the videos teach, so there is really something to be learned for all ages,” said Emily Grant, AgriLife Extension agent for Val Verde County. “Some people have never learned to iron a shirt or check their tire pressure, for example. These are among the practical topics our 4-H’ers will cover with their videos.”
At the same time, Grant explained, a part of the 4-H motto and pledge is to “give your hands to larger service” and one part of the Inspire Kids to Do series is to share the importance of community service.
“Our 4-H youth are creating videos to teach other kids the life skills they need to know and to explain why community service is important,” Grant said. “One of the 44 skills is community service, something they are all putting into action by promoting the canned food drive and taking the time to make a video that can help others.”
Texas food banks report an 88% increase in clients, in large part due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Feeding Texas also reported that food donations are down, at a time when demand has grown due to lost jobs and income.
The canned food will benefit local area food pantries and can be dropped off at the Dink Wardlaw Ag Complex, 300 E. 17th St. in Del Rio, or drop-off arrangements can be made by calling 830-774-7591, Grant said.
She said she hopes the entire community will support the food drive and that they will watch the videos. Videos will be posted regularly on the Val Verde 4-H Facebook page and Val Verde 4-H Instagram.